

4 Best Apps to Earn Money By Sharing Your Internet 2022|Worldwide


Today's I'll be sharing with you some of the best apps where you can earn money by sharing your internet. This method is 100% legit and it works worldwide.

So I will tell you four apps that will pay you to just install and browse the internet as you normally would. Now if you're wondering how exactly these apps work is they gather your unused bandwidth.

These websites are available worldwide so pretty much where you are worldwide you can download these apps. Install them and start earning passive income.


But the attempts and conditions for different IP locations and so on so you must go and read up some of that information that will be relevant for you. In your country, these apps can be downloaded onto your phone and you can use them on your computers as well for different operating systems you'll find them on mac os on Linux Windows, and other apps or operating systems. Which you may have as well as for android and ios.

So it depends on the different platforms and once you're on the platforms you get to find out. Now I'm going to be telling you these platforms.

But I have to let you know that number three is one of my best ones because it is an app that I've already used myself and it has already paid me. So it is a legit app I've already prevented that and I haven't had any issues using this passive income app.

Now let's start;


App number one is called Ip Royale. You can see on the home page of this app that they straight out say passive income online. Make money online by sharing your internet that's basically what you'll be doing.

  • How it works is you simply install the app on the devices you wish to use and connect them to the internet.
  • Run the Ip Royale pawns app we securely share your internet connection with no access to personal data which is very important knowing that you are secure using these different apps.
  • In the third step, they say we use your connection to gather bits of information. From the internet, you can check the business cases to see more detailed explanations companies use these gathered bids for various services.
  • So pretty much that's what it's all about and here you can expect to end somewhere between five dollars up to a hundred and forty U.S dollars per month using this app. You get paid 20 cents in U.S dollars per one gig that you share.

So if you're able to share more gigs a month you'll be able to cash out more the cash out threshold on this platform is five dollars. Which I think is not bad, especially because of how much you earn per gig here. Now if you want more information find it on iproyel.com.

                                                                    Source; Pixabay

I also go ahead and check out some reviews on Trustpilot so this particular app has got a 4.3 trust rating or star rating on Trustpilot. I did read up some of the comments so there are mixed reactions or mixed comments here. so do go ahead and read up some of the information here because I did see some people who've got issues. But it's not a bad issue and 90 of the time you'll find that people have had positive experiences using this platform. But do go ahead and read up these comments so that you can determine whether it will be worth it for you or not.


The second one is called Pocket Stream. So you can see on the page of this app that they say residential proxy network also they pay you for using your internet in a residential address by becoming a picketer. Share your bandwidth and then you end 10 cents per gigabyte each time you have shared a gig. You're going to be paid 10 cents in dollars for your one gig. But if you are on the other side you are the one buying the bandwidth you'll pay one dollar per gigabyte.

The cash-out threshold is not very high. It is currently five dollars if you look at some of their partners it is companies that are well-known worldwide companies such as PayPal, stripe, Amazon.

The reviews are also not very bad. This site has a 4.6-star rating on Trustpilot. But very important for you to go and read up the information or read up the reviews yourself to help you determine more whether it is an app you want to use or not.

But having read all the information myself I can tell that this is a legit money-making app that will pay you for sharing your internet bandwidth.


                                                              Source; Pixabay

The number three and this is an app that I'm currently using I have installed on my computer and I have already cashed out from this app. One drawback or disadvantage that I've had with this app that I'm going to share with you is that it took very long for me to end also it has a very high cash-out threshold.

This app is called Honey Gain. You can see on the page of this app that they say passive income effortlessly with Honey Gain. You can earn money online by simply sharing your internet that's all you have to do. You simply install the app sign up to it let it run in the background and then you accumulate points. As soon as you reach 20 dollars they're going to pay into your account.

With Honey Gain when you sign up you do get a signup bonus or sign-up gift of five dollars. So you can simply come to honeygain.com. Click on register and get five dollars.

I also check out some reviews on Honey Gain and they have a trust score of 4.4 stars rating on Trustpilot. Important for you to go and read up some of the reviews. There a lot of the reviews about this platform are very positive as well and yes I've used this platform I've had a positive experience as well.


The fourth app is called peer2profit. It is a fairly new app that will also pay you or where you can end money by sharing your unused internet bandwidth on their home page.

They say share your traffic and profit on it we have built a unique traffic monetization system. Come on share Wi-fi mobile or cable power with your friends and you can read more information on the page of this app that gets your friends and acquaintances involved and extend your network.

                                                               Source; Pixabay

Two dollars up to 1000 every single month that you can potentially end with this platform. There is another way that you can end more with all these three platforms and that is doing referrals or you know sharing the referral links. Which you'll get once you have signed up. You know you can share it with your network with different people online on social media.

If you already have a blog on your blog if you have a YouTube channel you can share them on your YouTube channel. This will help you earn more points here to profit has got a very good referral system. When you refer 30 people you can potentially earn a hundred dollars per month provided the people or your referrals are active on this platform and they are also sharing their bandwidth. But if you refer 300 people you can potentially earn a thousand dollars per month.

If your referrals are active on this platform when you refer 3000 people you can potentially earn 10000 every single month just by doing referrals. You can go and check out all the other platforms how their referral programs work. But they do have referral systems for you. You can use this platform on mobile as well as on your computer with the different operating systems.


But this information is available for you once you are on their websites these are their money-making apps or passive income earning apps. Which will pay you or earn you money for sharing your internet.

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